When you are submitting your work in the class to your class teacher, then you own that work. It is said under copyright law that if you are the creator of work, and submitting the same to your school then you own it and holds the rights to everything you create. Anti plagiarism software for college is used by many universities and colleges to check out plagiarism in student’s submitted work.
However, if you are employed by your school, then the school holds copyright as it was your job and not a part of your studies. You own your work, but that doesn’t mean that your teacher can’t use it. They can use your work but with limitations. When you submit the work to your teacher, you are giving them the authority to read and use your work in the class.
Your work can be used for reference to show the rest of the students in the class. It can be through any way like reading in the class, showing in the class, or through other ways. It is not a type of plagiarism as the teacher is not taking your credit but helping other students to do such quality work. Your teacher may not announce the name of the student whose work is getting read or shown to other students due to some privacy issues, but it will not come under plagiarism.
In case, if an instructor is taking credit for a student's story or research work, then it comes under plagiarism. Even if the instructor may have helped the student, or guided him, but taking credit would be wrong in this case.
Your teacher can’t use your work outside of the class without your permission. Check For Plag is one of the best anti plagiarism software for college students that should be used by every student to avoid plagiarism. If you want to enhance your work, try Check For Plag now!